How to remove coffee stains from leather

At some point in time, you might discover unsightly coffee stains on your leather purse or bag. It is important to note that leather stains can be hard to remove, but it does not mean that you have to toss away your purse or bag. If you will act quickly, you can get rid of the coffee stain completely. The key is to deal with the stain before it will set as well as utilizing the appropriate products for effective stain removal. Read further to learn ways on how to remove coffee stains from leather products and surfaces. 

Steps on how to remove coffee stains from leather

Let us now take a look at the steps on how to remove coffee stains from leather effectively.

  • Try to blot up as much of the coffee stain as possible using paper towels. Avoid rubbing since it can worsen the stain. Simply push the paper towels gradually into the leather to soak up as much of the liquid. 
  • Moisten a clean cloth with warm water and carefully rub on the stained area. Rub the leather in the direction it runs. Avoid applying water directly to the leather since it can cause further damage. 
  • Pour a mild detergent to the cloth in case warm water was not able to effectively get rid of the stain. It is recommended to use saddle soap, leather soap or dishwashing liquid. Brush the leather in the direction it runs and wash away with a damp clean cloth. 
  • If a trace of the stain lingers, prepare a solution by mixing 1-part white vinegar and 2-parts warm water in a bowl. Soak a clean cloth in the solution and gently rub on the leather. You can test the solution first in a concealed area before applying it. 
  • Rub a dry towel on the area to get rid of the lingering moisture and bring out a shine. 
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Leather care basics

If you have leather products, you must be familiar with the basics of caring for them. 

  • It is important to note that leather needs to breathe. The material requires some ventilation to prevent mildew and rot. Air naturally passes through leather, allowing moisture to evaporate. This cannot occur if your leather is sealed up. It is not recommended to store your leather in plastic bags. Use the storage bag the item came with or some type of breathable fabric such as pillowcases. 
  • Make sure that leather is stored away from direct exposure to sunlight. If a leather product is waterlogged, it should not be placed in front of a heater or use a hairdryer. When leather gets damp and warmed right away, it can shrivel and end up dehydrated rapidly. Allow it to naturally dry, even if it takes a few days. Another important point to remember is to keep leather out of direct sunlight when storing. Leather fades naturally over time, but exposure to the sun hastens this process while drying and cracking can occur. Dark areas with some humidity are ideal but make sure that there is adequate airflow. 
  • If you are going to apply a conditioner or polish, test a small area first and allow it to dry for 24 hours. Remember that certain products can change the color of leather, even in small amounts. 
  • Regularly clean leather with a moist cloth. As part of caring for leather products, this will prevent it from prematurely aging. Protect your leather by wiping them down every week or even after a single-use. 


Can you get coffee stains out of leather?

Coffee stains on suede and leather can be hard to eliminate since the conventional stain removal methods can damage these materials. 

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Just like with any type of stains brought about by beverages such as tea, coffee or chocolate, the recommended practice is to clean the stained surfaces as quickly as possible before the stains set. If in doubt or if the value of the leather or suede is high, you can request the assistance of a professional.

How do you clean beige leather?

Leather is a popular and durable material for furniture, shoes, and purses. Although it is sturdy, it has a permeable exterior that can soak up oil from skin and hands, resulting in stains. Light-colored variants including beige leather are prone to stains. 

Wipe the leather regularly using a dry microfiber cloth to eliminate any smudges and light soiling. For a deep clean, utilize a commercial leather cleaner or prepare a solution by mixing warm water, a few drops of liquid dish soap and a few drops of vinegar. 

  • Moisten a cloth with the solution and wipe down on the leather. Avoid saturating the leather since too much water can damage it. 
  • Utilize a second cloth moistened with clean water to wipe off the soap. 
  • Dry thoroughly

Another formula for a homemade cleaner that you can use involves mixing ½ cup olive oil together with ¼ cup vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray on the stained area and let it sit for 5 minutes and spread. 

Always wipe up spills right away to lessen the chances of staining. Remember that stains can occur so you must be familiar with how to clean your beige leather. 

What home remedy can I use to clean my leather couch?

If you have a leather couch, it requires regular care and maintenance. Using harsh cleaners can discolor or damage leather. Luckily, there are several household items that you can use to provide your leather couch with a thorough cleaning or to spot-clean stains.

Vinegar and olive oil 

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Apply vinegar directly over the soiled area and dry it off. Dab olive oil on a soft cloth and buff the leather to keep it soft and supple. 

You can prepare a leather cleaner by combining equal amounts of olive oil and vinegar, whisking thoroughly to blend them. Dip a paper towel or cloth into this mixture and rub it on the leather. Finish it off by wiping again with a new paper towel or cloth to get rid of the excess oil.

Soap and water

A mild hand or dish soap works as a general cleaner for a leather couch. Prepare a solution by adding two drops in a bowl of warm water. 

Vacuum first to remove any loose dirt and debris. Dip a white cloth into the soapy water, wringing out the excess and wipe down all the leather. Follow up by wiping it again with a damp clean cloth. Buff it dry right away with a soft cloth. 

For areas that are heavily soiled, apply 1-2 drops of mild soap onto a moist cloth. Rub the cloth on the stain. Wipe again with a moist cloth and buff dry.

Rubbing alcohol

Stains on leather can be removed by rubbing alcohol. Simply spritz a small amount onto a moist cloth and blot it over mildew or ink stains. Avoid rubbing on ink stains since it might spread it further. 

Cold cleaning 

Candle wax, chewing gum or any chewy substances can be removed by placing several ice cubes in a sealed plastic bag and place it over the site for a few minutes. Once the material hardens, you can pick it up with your finger or a plastic spoon. 

Final thoughts

Coffee stains on leather products can be undesirable to look at. If you happen to discover a stain on your leather, you must be familiar with the techniques on how to remove coffee stains from leather. This will ensure that your leather is stain-free and looking good as new.

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